Monday, August 22, 2016

Film Production Writer Worth Watching

There are a lot of sources out there about filmmaking equipment, technique, processes, etc.  Some are very good, some are slightly veiled product plugs and many are mediocre. I wanted to point out an excellent new resource on the No Film School site, Charles Haine

Here are a few sample articles:

Sony Takes Aim at RED with X-OCN

Casio Thinks Outside The Frame with New 360° Camera

NVIDIA Goes for Live Streaming VR with the Quadro P6000

To Be A Great Cinematographer, You've Got To Be An Inventor (I make a guest appearance with a photo of me gleefully operating a Mole Richardson Carbon Arc lamp in the article.  The only time my name will appear on the same page as Gregg Toland and Vittorio Storaro, for that I will be eternally grateful.)

Blackmagic Brings DIY Tech into Camera Control With New Arduino Shield 3G-SDI

Here Are the Cameras Used By the 2016 Best Cinematography Emmy Nominees

What's the ISO of Your Eye?

He is a reliable resource, with an encyclopedic knowledge of technology, technique, history and creativity.  I initially met him in a Cinematography class that he taught at Los Angeles City College. He was always pushing his students, many people will remember the RED vs. 35mm shoot-out  we did under his direction way back 2008. Yep, he had a City College class doing that, back then.

Besides being a teacher, he's an excellent cinematographer, colorist and also co-founded Dirty Robber Production and Coyote Post in LA. Since that class I've worked with him and am happy to call him a friend.  I do not know where he gets the energy to do everything he does and still stay on top of what's going on out there in the bigger world of technology and equipment. I'd expect an eclectic stream of information from him.

Mole Richardson  Carbon Arc Putting Me in a Happy Place

Friday, August 19, 2016

Website Refresh, New Stuff

Ubu Roi (links to Wikipedia)

I've recently completely rebuilt my website,  It was time to refresh and consolidate my work in one place (except for this blog, which I am still working on integrating) and make it compatible with mobile of all stripes. If you have any interest in seeing what I've been up to creatively and professionally, please take a look.

Here's are a couple new images there that haven't been published before (click on them to get a decent sized version):

Face (© 2015)

Port of Oakland (© 2016)